Broad-brush polemic ruffles feathers
A book I picked up on sight from a recommendation on the
WW2 SS Counter Colours thread, Ronald Smelser and Edward J. Davies II's 2008 scholarly study,
The Myth of the Eastern Front: the Nazi-Soviet War in American Popular Culture was going to become an article even as I first read it – avidly – over xmas last year. Researching for this series- in which
The Myth of the Eastern Front was going to feature centrally, I found the military hobbyists' inevitable internet hot flushes in its wake. Inevitable? In response to an academic tome?
The biggest invasion of the
biggest war in history:
a lot there to forget |
Yes, because
The Myth of the Eastern Front is part analytical historical deconstruction, and part broad-brush polemic against the 'romancers'- promulgators of an idealised vision of the Wehrmacht and the SS as honourable soldiers fighting a 'Lost Cause' against the Red horde. Smelser and Davies root this mythology in the Wehrmacht's 'last campaign': the ex-generals' postwar years of networking and spin aimed at rehabilitating the image of the German armed forces on the Eastern front.
Enemies after a mutually
embarrasing past affair? |
As Cold War tensions rose, the wartime memories of the Soviet people's heroic resistance against Nazi Germany became a propaganda casualty. A remarkable act of historical forgetting was engineered, apparently rapid and profound enough to turn around the war generation's own perceptions of the Eastern front's importance in the Second World War largely before they reached middle-age.
Cold War myths deconstructed
Uncle Joe |
Smelser and Davies start with the mainstream suspicion of, and hostility to the USSR in America in the 1920s and 30s. They demonstrate how- through massive media coverage of the Red Army's resistance to the onslaught unleashed by Germany with
Operation Barbarossa on June 22nd 1941, the American people were won over to widespread sympathy and active support for the Soviet people during the Second World War. Pride of place among the breadth of media sources Smelser and Davies cite should undoubtedly go to
TIME, March 29, 1943, the 'USSR Special' featuring Stalin on the cover.
Evil genius,
or just genius? |
In over 100 pages of what was then cutting-edge reportage, the magazine celebrates Russia's history, its economic achievements, the diverse peoples and their love for art, culture and sports, and spotlights some key personalities from the Soviet war effort. There's even an article styling Lenin
'The Father of Modern Russia', which credits him as "Perhaps the greatest man of modern times" and telling us elsewhere that "Lenin's genius brought order out of chaos and saved the USSR." You don't have to hold a torch for the former Soviet Union to see that these pages glowing with enthusiasm for the Soviet cause are tantamount to an endorsement of the Soviet regime.
Criminals no more: the German generals in the Cold War
Defeated & dishonoured in front of the world |
In the years immediately following Germany's surrender on 8th May 1945, the
Nuremberg Trials and the
Nuremberg Military Tribunals make plain the full nature of the war crimes of the German war machine in its genocidal war of conquest and enslavement on the Eastern front. German generals are in the dock, on the scaffold; the General Staff
tout court might be next. As the authors explain, these trials weren't even finished before the new realities of the postwar world began to make their impact felt. The emerging crisis in relations with the Soviets meant that political pressure to exculpate the accused and the convicted began to come to bear.
Halder (left) with
'the boss' meeting
Finland's Mannerheim |
A significant turning point came when the American army rescued
General Franz Halder from a possible war crimes trial on the grounds that he played an indispensable role in the Operational History (German) Section of the United States Army Historical Division. Halder in fact went on to direct the History Section for several years, gathering around him a group of politically reliable former officers to provide the US Army with an appropriate account of German operations on the Eastern front. Then, after the Korean War, the realisation grew that a new German army was needed as part of an anti-Soviet alliance in Western Europe. The surviving German generals became a major asset to the American military.
'The boss' visits
Von Manstein in the
Ukraine in 1943 |
Figures like
Heinz Guderian and
Erich von Manstein enjoyed great authority in US army circles because of their experience fighting the Soviet army on the Russian front. The authority these men and their wartime fellows enjoyed ensured an uncritical, even adulatory, reception for their self-serving memoirs when these were published. The ex-generals' mythologised account of the Wehrmacht's 'clean war' on the Eastern front established as the authoritative version, the way was open for a flood of popular histories, personal memoirs and even pulp novels, all straightforwardly pro-German; all of which in sum contributed to the reimagining of the German attack on the USSR as a war in which German soldiers were cast the main victims, whether of the Russian hordes, the climate and terrain, or the megalomaniacal folly of Hitler himself.
Learning (from) history?
When wargamers confront the political and ethical implications of our hobby, a common argument heard is that wargaming is educational, that it teaches the horror and folly of war by giving hobbyists insight into the human costs of battle. There's more than a grain of truth in this, even if actually anti-war wargamers still appear thin on the ground. For example, I think that the rehumanisation of the enemy is valuable in and of itself because dehumanisation of the enemy is an essential element of war propaganda on all fronts- home and fighting.
But of course, wargames themselves are so abstract and wilfully decontextualised that they themselves can't really contribute much to rehumanising the enemy, or to generating any other insights into warfare as a grotesque human folly. That side of things typically stems from reading around the subjects which most interest you on the tabletop. And insights of this ilk can arise in peculiar ways. For me as a teenage tankie, pictures were particularly influential.
Context is everything
Just regular guys? |
Take the picture here on the right (from Brian L. Davis' authoritative
German Army Uniforms and Insignia, 1933-1945). This is a less gruesome sample of several pictures which used to fascinate me as a youngster. What drew me to this picture was its sheer mundanity. The contrast between the flanking NCOs' cheesy grins and central officer's forced smile is a very human touch, and the photo looks for all the world like a tourist snapshot. I used to find myself wondering if these guys had any notion of what their futures would bring them.
The German Question: old
& very important |
Smelser and Davies' convincing deconstruction of how the German view of the Eastern Front became the official American view after the war casts my youthful musings in a new light. Why? Because I was then simply unaware of how my otherwise perfectly reasonable interest in rehumanising the enemy was conditioned by the pro-German bias Smelser and Davies explain. That is to say: I always assumed that picture was taken on the Eastern Front. I don't know why, but I did. And when I wondered what might've happened to those three men, I never seriously imagined that they might've been active agents of genocide. For me they were always hapless victims. If that's not an example of the myth of the 'clean Wehrmacht' in action, I don't know what could be.
The fundamental point that Smelser and Davies make which is of importance to wargamers is this: an entire branch of our hobby was founded on the bill of goods sold by the German ex-generals during the Cold War. Their agenda- to sanitise the role of the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front during the Second World War, was both personal and political. The legacy of those efforts still infuses our hobby today. I say this not to point the finger at wargaming as a den of romancers. Instead, I think that this poses challenges to wargamers: to be more critical of those politicised myths; and to find a role for that critique in inspiring new approaches to designing games. It is challenges of this ilk which make me believe that
The Myth of the Eastern Front is uniquely useful to wargamers who are interested in new insight into the hardy perennial of our hobby- the 'German question'. ;)
Wargames, politics and ethics
#1: Ah, that old bugbear
An excellent and most enlightening article, though definitely not a shocking one. After the Greek civil war things went beyond rewriting history. Resistance fighters were shot, jailed and exiled whereas Nazi collaborators openly governed the country with an iron fist all the way to 1974; 1981 more like it.
I was purposively trying not to make this article a shocker. You know as well as I do how easy it for that kind of content to generate discussions which spin rapidly out of control, and I was thinking of how I might avoid that fate with my audience on RD/KA!@BGG.
I felt this was doubly pertinent because there is already an old thread on BGG which opened with an ill-considered response to The Myth of the Eastern Front, in which the OP expressed outrage at the authors' suppposed tarring of wargamers in general with the romancers' brush. There followed the routine illiberal denuncations of a book unread. I was trying to undercut this nonsense with a view to a more thorough analysis in the next article.
A good read, John. Collective amnesia was quite effective in the post war years, to the point that by the mid seventies the Great Patriotic War had become 'The Forgotten War' in the Times History of WWII (that was the title of the volume covering the eastern front) when I first started reading on the subject.
Oh, a little anecdote that might interest you ... when I (briefly) returned to a gaming club early last decade (when the anti war marches were happening), it was rather surprising to see the number of wargamers in the throng as the placarded parade passed by. Pleasantly surprising, I hasten to add. Not what I had expected, still a source of some pride.
Good luck with the keeping the controversy down to acceptable levels!
Very intereting and thought-provoking John. I'll have to spend a while considering this before I post any further comment.
Interesting, but...
I got into wargaming and military history in the late 1970s in my early teens and I don't ever remember having an impression that the war on the Eastern Front was anything but brutal.
While I got a touch of the "Nazi sheik" that sadly marked that era it was more the "these guys could have won if they weren't ruled by an idiot". The only German from the war I lionized was Rommel. After a decade in the submarine service I have a huge admiration for the crews of U-Boats, but that's a more professional respect of what they did and endured than endorsement of them as honorable warriors. I have the same regard for the crew of the Kursk and what they suffered.
I have always been aware that the war on the Eastern Front was waged on the German side by an army that saw the people they were fighting as sub-man. I remember more remarks about the respectable "Old Honorable Prussian" behavior being some that existed (to the degree it did) in facing the Brits and the US. I can even remember the occasional suggestion that by '44 it had as much to do with making sure they had somewhere to go when the whole thing fell down.
So while I don't disagree that the view of the Germans or the German Army as victims of the Soviets in general (at least not until we're discussing the civilian populations post-1948 but then we're not talking WW2 anymore) is ahistorical I just don't remember anyone proposing it seriously.
Even among war games titles I can't think of one that took a side that was pro-Nazi. Some were neutral (Russian Campaign, War in the East, Panzerblitz) and many were either "Nazis bad" or pro Soviet (Great Patriotic War, Dark Crusade).
That an apparently calm, informed, thoughtful poster can think that "War in the East" or Panzerblitz are neutral titles demonstrates the truth of Smelser and Davies' argument better than anything I can say. :)
Sorry but there is nothing new here. The same apologists dismiss or water down Stalin and the Soviets after World War Two leading into the Cold War. One evil trumped another. Soviets raped, enslaved and raided what was left of Eastern Europe after World War Two. To soft ball that is revisionist history at best, communist propaganda at worst.
Great article John though I somewhat agree with the last commentator. You can go back as far as you want through history and find examples of almost exactly the same thing.
For example almost our entire perception of the Gauls, Celts and other European nationals has been coloured if not manipulated by 'historical accounts' written almost exclusively by the Romans for very deliberate propaganda purposes.
I've just been trying to work out where my interest in all things WW2 German comes from and my earliest recollection is of my Granddads stories. He was in a black squadron in Burma and India but spent some time in Egypt which was his only contact with the Germans. He only ever had good things to say about the guys he met (mostly AK prisoners) and was full of praise for Rommel. I don't remember the full context now but I do remember having the feeling that these guys were clever, brave, technologically superior and fought like gentlemen. Hey I was probably only 10yrs old so I can be forgiven. It would of also been coloured by his dislike of the Japanese. He really was not a fan and would rather talk about Egypt than the Far East.
But I don't remember being influenced by any glamourisation of the Eastern Front. Most of the films I saw early on would of made the Germans out to be little more than caricatures and I was fully aware off the horrors that had occurred. The books I read certainly didn't avoid the realities.
I think that after my Granddad the biggest influence was from Tamiya models ... or at least the way it showed me how German weapon systems and uniforms just looked so much cooler than the awkward and poorly designed British. Out of the hundreds of models I made I only remember making two allied models.
And a few years ago I was involved in designing some VFX for a short film. The designer of the military vehicles was referencing German aircraft. We could never decide if their styling just looked menacing, strong and aggressive or if it was simply the association. Which ever it was, by incorporating certain design elements you just knew they were the bad guys (and not a single SS Skull and Crossbones to be seen).
PAYDIRT? Your anti-communist diatribe is quite the most inane comment ever posted here at RD/KA!. Your ideological blinkers mean that you miss the essential difference between Nazism and Stalinism: only the latter can be described as a noble experiment gone worse than tragically wrong.
And even this going wrong of stalinism, was way better than the going wrong of capitalism...
Oh, and lovely seeing you back John!
Thought provoking...well done.
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