The world of Twilight Struggle

Structure of gameplay

- Operations points: spent to conduct the crucial influence-peddling operations.
Period: the game is divided into 3 periods; early, mid and late war:
- There is a section of the card deck for each period, to be added to the deck at the start of each period.
- There are 7 action rounds in the mid/late war instead of the 6 in the early war.
- Event: the events translate into game terms significant happenings and personalities from the actual history of the Cold War; some will benefit only the USSR or the US, while others can benefit either side.
There are 3 core systems of gameplay in Twilight Struggle:
- Influence.
- Operations.
- Events.

- Coloured backgrounds (LHS): Control.
- White backgrounds (RHS): Influence.

- Ordinary countries: yellow name/Stability Value background, eg. Czechoslovakia.
- Battleground countries: purple/red backgrounds, eg. Poland.
Operations are the most important way in which players vie for influence over the countries that are their pawns in Twilight Struggle. There are 4 kinds of operation:
- Gaining influence: Ops pts are spent to add influence markers to countries on a 1-for-1 basis (2 Ops pts/influence in an enemy controlled country).
- Realignment: realignment reduces enemy influence in a country; realignment attempts' success or failure are based on a contested 1d6 roll; each Ops pt allows 1 realignment attempt.
- Coups: coups reduce enemy influence and might increase your own if they are sufficiently successful; each card played allows 1 coup attempt; coups attempts' success or failure are based on a 1d6 roll- modified by the card's Ops pts value, against a country's stability value x2.

- The Space Race: attempts to move up the space race track; these ops don't affect influence, but advancing up the space race track brings VP and other advantages; in addition space race operations don't cause events, a very important consideration.
"Events dear boy, events."
Harold Macmillan

Cards from each period with pro-Soviet, neutral and pro-American events
The events enter play in 3 different ways:- Headlines: before the action rounds begin each player secretly selects a card; these are then revealed and their events are executed.
- Cards played for events: during action rounds a player may play a card for its event instead of for operations.
- Cards played for operations: cards played for operations which also contain the opposing superpower's event still trigger that event.
Onwards to victory?

Like everything else in the game, scoring in Twilight Struggle is based on cardplay: a region is scored when its scoring card is played- see above for sample Europe scoring card (NB. the instant victory condition for Europe is unique). As you might expect, there is a twist: you can't hold on to scoring cards; meaning that scoring must take place the turn you are dealt the card. I'll leave readers to imagine for themselves the tensions this adds to those already generated by juggling operations and events.
Early postwar Europe in some unknown alternity...
The map below shows the core of the situation over which I've been puzzling:

- I have 6 influence to place in Eastern Europe.
- The US player then places 7 in Western Europe.
- We'll each choose our Headline events.
- And then I'll take my first action round.
After all this I think I know where I want to set up. It turns out that the VASSAL interface for adding influence is so simple to use that I sent my setup off in no time at all after completing the rest of this. Now I've just got to wait for my opponent to get back in front of a computer, and we'll be off! In the meantime, I wonder how VASSAL and/or ACTS handle simultaneous card selection? ;)
So who do you play with?
The usage of Vassal / Acts combined will lead to confusion because there is no way to pull the right cards out of the vassal deck. Its easier to let vassal manage it.
Presumably you know your opponent and can trust them enough where cheating is not an issue
@ Aneliya
I'm playing the game I've just started with a fB friend. We met on the Consimworld (CSW) discussion forum for the Combat Commander boardgame. ;)
@ anon
My opponent suggested using ACTS; he said that it made card management easier. You're talking about one of the issues I've been wondering about. I've just had to assume that it'll work out.
I've also noticed that ACTS made my opponent's headline card visible before I'd played my own. Not ideal, as you can imagine. ;)
well I dont see how it makes card management easier, except within acts itself. Vassal manages cards in pbem perfectly. If the opponent pulls a card from the deck, it wont be available for you to pull when you get log file back and so on - pretty straightforward, just like regular ftf
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