Forges of Nuln

I've only had time to skim the book so far so I can't comment in detail. But it is certainly up to BI/Green Ronin's usual standards for the WFRP line (will that include the notorious typos I wonder?). The format follows that of Ashes of Middenheim and Spires of Altdorf, namely a short introduction to the city itself followed by the adventure.
In FoN this first section includes a couple of new careers, one of which is the illustrious Dung Collector, whose trappings include the instantly memorable 'Bag of Maggots' and 'Dung'. Some dozen or so pages are devoted to describing Nuln itself. This might not seem much, but I do have to say that, in my experience of running AoM it is adequate for a GM's purposes: there's enough there to give you something to work with, while the text's brevity means that it's easy to review material and scan sections for reminders. I guess a lengthier and more detailed account might be nice, but there's always the chance that it might become too unwieldy I feel.
One thing I like about this section is that- unlike AoM and SoA- it includes adventure hooks for all the specific locations mentioned in each district. Opinions on plot hooks vary, but mine is that a GM can never have too many plot ideas to hand. One nice touch is the listing of Otto Jaeger's house, in the Kaufmann district. Otto is of course the brother of Felix Jaeger, from the Gotrek and Felix novels by Bill King. The entry includes an adventure hook referring to the events in Skavenslayer, the novel set in Nuln in which readers were introduced to Otto. I suspect that more than a few players might want to walk in the footsteps of their favourite psychotic dwarf, and end up paying Mr. Otto Jaeger a visit.
There's not a lot I can add on the subject of the adventure itself. But I can say that it includes some nicely mapped locations, as well what looks to me like shedloads of NPC's. This leads me to expect that the adventure will be less linear than AoM has been, and a bit harder to run as a result. Still, it should prove entertaining if the high points of AoM have been anything to go by.
Memoir'44 Terrain Pack

The new terrain tiles fall into 3 types: desert tiles; new terrain types for the regular boards; and what are called 'landmarks'.
The desert tiles include new towns/villages and forest tiles with artwork appropriate to the desert setting. There are 2 completely new terrain types introduced for the desert: the oasis and the wadi. The new tiles expanding the temperate terrain set are: high ground and flooded fields; marshes; mountains; railroad tracks, including a station; roads; and lakes and river forks.
In contrast to the generic and typical geographical features represented by standard terrain tiles, the landmarks provide special locations of the sort that might feature as an objective in a scenario. With 12 different landmark types there really are too many to list, but they include dams, airfields, cemeteries, factory complexes, lighthouses(?!) and prison camps.
All of the tiles are as attractive as fans of the original M44 would expect, with the landmarks looking particularly neat to my eye. The desert tiles are also on a sandy background which would look nice on the new winter/desert board.
The rules for the new terrain tiles are straightforward and logical modulations of the terrain effects on movement and combat rules from the basic set, with nice additions to reflect the unique characteristics of the new terrain features represented. Oases, for example, allow ordered units to recover lost figures after the fashion of the Medics and Mechanics tactics card. Dams can be sabotaged (although the rules don't mention players getting a bonus if they hum the 'Dambusters March' while rolling their dice). Lighthouses and churches provide spotting locations for calling in artillery barrages or airstrikes. Airfields can be used to bring in reinforcements. These kinds of rules should bring a lot of flavour to scenarios in which they feature.
The new counters include more obstacles, information markers for new rules, and more unit ID badges.
The unit ID badges cover a wide variety of new nationalties- eg. British Commonwealth troops- which are largely decorative, but they include badges for combat engineers. Combat engineers are a new special unit type with abilities that tabletop generals will prize. The obstacles are: field bunkers- bunkers that both sides can use; river fords, pontoon and railroad bridges; road blocks; and a train. All of these are nice, but the train looks really neat: it is 2 counters long, and can be a supply train- carrying reinforcements, or an armoured train- carrying artillery. Either of these look like being a lot of fun in play.
The remaining counters are largely associated with new rules. We now have rules for minefields. These are represented by counters laid unseen by the owning player which can represent anything from 0 to 4 attack dice. There are targetting markers for the new big guns rules. Big guns have a longer range than regular artillery, and enjoy the ability to bring down heavier fire on a target they have already zeroed-in on. I suspect that these will bring a new dimension of teeth-grinding frustration to your enemy's long range harassing fire.
The final new addition are the battle star tokens. These are generic tokens used to represent special rules. These are only limited by scenario writers' imaginations, but the examples given in the rules are interesting enough: blowing up bridges, collapsible rafts and boats, and heroic leaders, to name just a few examples.
And that's it for the contents of the M44 Terrain Pack. All in all I have to say that it looks like a great expansion to the basic game. A few desert terrain tiles and the nationality counters aside, everything in the box should add exciting and entertaining new dimensions to an already great game. With dozens and dozens of official and unofficial new scenarios featuring elements from the M44 Terrain Pack already available online I hope to be trying out some of this new stuff as soon as possible. I just have to get hold of a certain Badger again.
You know John, if your stuck for blog material I have an idea for an interesting "filler".
Why not have each of the players write a short article (a paragraph say) on how they see their own character and a paragraph about how they see each of the other PCs.
You could also then write a paragraph about how you see each PC and then compare the results.
That would be quite interesting to see, I think, and not just for those of us the group.
Excellent idea Brian! I've been wondering when you players might start adding your comments about the games to RD/KA!, maybe correcting my inevitable mistakes in the write-ups at the very least. As far as I'm concerned you can write pretty much anything that takes your fancy. It's just a shame that you're not all online just now.
Why don't you show the way by writing something yourself? Hmm?
By the way: I've screwed up replacing the ink cartridges in my printer (don't ask!). I can't print anything except illegible faded print. I really hate not being able to print stuff out. It makes me feel like I'm somehow incapacitated. Gah! ;)
PS. Does this make me some kind of pre-pdf/PDA dinosaur or something?
Yes John, indeed it does :D
Okay, since I dont have access to my hotmail accoutn right now (you know, the one that actually has your email saved to my contacts) I`ll post that little right up here and you can do with it as you wish.
Seigfried on Siegfried
Seigfired is a contradiction. Period. At his best, he can be charming, debanair even heroic. At his worst, he's a vicious, petty, brutal murdering little thug. Siegfried would rather charm what he wants out of you with a ready smile and a laugh. If that doesnt work, he'll just as happily take what he wants by force.
He's a loyal friend and a devout Ulrican, occasionally tormented by the knowledge that his deity does not approve of his deceitful ways and sneaky tactics.
A good friend, Siegfried is also a terrible eneamy. He rarely forgives the smallest slight and has a long hit list that includes Behr, her boss, the Deputy High presit of Ulric and a certain watch-captain that killed a little girl with an extra hand.
At his centre, Seigfried is tortured by feelings of inadequecy. The son of a self made noble turned mercenary and a camp follower, he resents his fopish brother for inheriting the barony and hates his dead father with a passion. His motivation as an adventurer is to proove himself every bit as worthy as his father was and to likewise become a "self-made man" on his own merits, rather than his bloodline.
Seigfried sees himself as the "leader" of the group and is quite oblivious to the fact he quite liekly isnt. In his defence however, it does often seem to be Seigfied who "leads" the others into trouble and who tries to restrain the more overly-enthuisiastic members of the group.
Seigfried on Berthold:
Seigfried has developed something of a brotherly affection for the (very slighlty younger) mincing scribe that has accompanied him since the start of his adventures. He considers Berthold as probably the most sensible and grounded member of the party. Although Seigfried would never admit it, Berthold has become his "conscience". Although Mordrin is more honourable, Grundi the eldest and Ahlanne the most intelligent, it is Bertholdt who is the most "humane".
Seigfried on Ahlanne:
At first attracted to the dazzling alien beuaty that is Ahlanne, Seigfried is actually secretly rather intimidated by her. It's bad enough that she's an elf, female, attractive and intelligent; but she's also some sort of witch. Now THAT worries him. Although he respects and values her presence in the group, Seigfried always has one eye on Ahlanne is never 100% certain that she wont do something carzy and witchlike when he's not looking.
Seigfried on Grundi:
Of all the group, its Grundi with whom Seigfried feels the closest. Grundi is the closest to Seigfried in outlook in some ways(in that their both "happy killers" who enjoy a good fight) and yet completely different in others. Seigfried thinks Grundi is a little too reckless, even for him. Grundi charges in when a defensive stance would be better, he rarely listens to Seigfrieds good advice and, worst of all, steals his glory by "saving" him when he doesnt need it!!!
On the other hand, they get along well. Of the two dwarves, Grundi is the most humanlike in that he has spent more time with humans and is far more cheerful and sociable than many of his kin.
Seigfried on Mordrin:
Seigfried respects Mordrin as a "proper" fighter and enjoys his company. On the other hand, he's a bit put of by Mordrins honour and great piety, as this behaviour is a painful reminder of Seigfrieds own lack of moral-fibre and religious short-comings. He admires the dwarves skill with a blade and his iron determination and gets on well the sturdy, trustworthy dwarf.
As much as Mordrins honour occasionally gets in the way, it at least means that Seigfried always knows where he stands with his fierce little dwarven friend.
Now, how does everyone else see Seigfried?
No sooner said than done, eh Brian. Good stuff.
This material of yours is something of a prelude to the fleshing out of the PC's I've been planning on doing once we've finished Ashes of Middenheim. And I've found a use for some of it for Sunday's game already too.
Wonderful! Remind me never to feed you ideas ever again John. They tend to hurt too much.
My apologies for the fairly poor English in my post. I was typing on the fly during a fifteen minute break and didnt have time to check my spelling, let alone my grammar.
Mwah hah ha, etc! ;)
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