
I've commented before that I find this game more thematic than some give it credit for. The abstraction of the cardplay mechanics make the expression of theme less than obvious I'll admit, but it is precisely the cardplay which gives Ivanhoe its grasp on its theme. This is less a matter of the measure of theme provided by the division of the deck than it is one of how the techniques of hand-building and card management create gameplay which I find conducive to expressing the game's theme. I simply can't explain this in any more detail right now.
In any event, thematic or otherwise, our game was closely contested leaving Badger the ultimate winner.
Badger: 1
John: 0
Tony: 0
Combat Commander

It was a Night Attack though, which was going to both help and hinder each side. Drawing the Americans- the defence, what immediately attracted my attention was the penalty on fire attacks: trying to stop elite Germans infiltrating through near ideal terrain under the cover of darkness? What fun that was going to be I thought.
I drew chit M for my secret objective (#5 -the wood NE of the centre of the map worth 3VP).

After this I put a forlorn hope in the building objective in the NE corner and another squad to hold the building in the south. My remaining units were split into 2 groups:
- A strong platoon, including a good leader and the HMG, to hold the 2 objectives in the centre of the map.
- Another platoon, with the weakest leader and 2 mortars, in and around the woods on my left, to hold the flank against an end run for exit VP.
If Badger was ratcheting up the exit VP in the east, at least he wasn't doing much across in the west. I'd brought what remained of my left flank covering force forward into the orchards where, with reinforcements from the central objectives, they were in position to interdict Badger's units as they debouched from their startlines. The action on this flank was reduced to an exchange of potshots which had little effect.
Badger's exit strategy was paying dividends and he went ahead as the game approached the first sudden death check. By this time probably the only thing that was stopping the Germans from completely overruning the Americans was the night attack special rule reducing the German discard to 1. However I took a leaf from Badger's book, and units from my most forward positions started making breaks for Badger's map edge. The night action helped me here too: I doubt enough of these dashes would've been successful to have made a difference if I'd had to make them in daylight, without the penalty applied to fire attacks due to the darkness.
The game was still wide open as it passed through the first sudden death check. Badger had been looking at my fully fortified position since the game began, telling me that of course it had to be worth extra VP. For some reason though he never mounted a serious attack on it. This might've been the wire, or because his attention was elsewhere and his discard limitation prevented him from developing 2 attacks, I don't know. In any event I was able to hold the position without difficulty, giving me a 3VP cushion for which I was grateful in the face of Badger's repeated attacks.
This cushion, my own exit VP, and- it turned out- Badger's own secret objective all proved to be enough in the end. I won on the 2nd sudden death check, with a scant 5 or so VP in a position I knew could easily've turned against me if the game had continued. Badger was suitably scunnered! :)
Badger: 1
John: 1
The Combat Commander finished, Badger headed home to watch the Grand Prix. Bill and his family and Gav had all arrived while Badger and I had been playing.
Bill, Radka and Daniel were playing Ivanhoe, so Gav and I rounded up Andy for a go at this nice little game of corporate mining and warfare on an alien world.
Nexus Ops

Last Sunday's game confirmed my existing impression that Nexus Ops is a worthy example of simple rules generating hidden complexities. The special abilities of the different alien units; the Secret Mission cards the players draw every turn, with their special objectives; the struggle for the Monolith and its Energise cards, with their special actions:- all of these mean that players will have always have different paths to victory and different resources to fight their way there. The Secret Missions turn the mechanistically simple buying of units from the six types available into the subtle task of adapting your forces to the dictates of an ever-changing range of objectives essential to your victory as you try to line up these often conflicting secret missions to gain their VP as quickly as possible.
This combination- of open and changing objectives, unit variation and special powers, and special action cards- is crucial to the success of Nexus Ops as a design. They take a game that is essentially as simple as Risk and elevate it to a more demanding tactical/strategic challenge than that old worthy.
I took an early lead in our game, which Andy eventually noticed. He and Gav soon caught up.

Everything was pretty even going into the endgame. Eventually I had a Secret Mission: 3VP for killing a Rubium Dragon which I was about to use to win by giving one of Gav's dragons some serious smack on my next turn, only for Gav to lay down some 3VP in his own turn, immediately preceding mine. Gah!
Final scores
Andy: 0
Badger: 1
Gav: 1
Me: 1
Tony: 0
So that was my visit to the old club. It was cool to join its 10th anniversary celebrations. 10 years. Who'd've thunk it? ;)
Finally, thanks to Donald for the photos of the games from last Sunday. :)
1 comment:
Those pieces are hurtful on the eye.
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