The quick play and simple unit representations make M44 an ideal game for a system linking a series of scenarios into a campaign, and M44:CB1 was eagerly awaited by the game's many fans. After just 2 games it is impossible to have a sense of the full scope of what the DoW team have added to M44 with CB1, but I can report that I like the look of what I have seen so far (surprised, dear readers?):
A nice hardback book, with full colour art throughout: it's expensive to go hardback, but the book's more durable, and I think kids'd be extra proud of one.
- A punchboard of counters stuck in the back of the book (keeping these in good nick is another good reason for a hardback book).
- 51 new scenarios, many drawing on underused expansion sets.
- 3 grand campaigns; each comprising several mini-campaigns, themselves played out across 3 or more scenarios (as many as 8 in the really big ones):
- Unternehmen Fall Gelb: France 1940.
- Operation Barbarossa: Soviet Union 1941.
- Normandy: France 1944.
- Reserves: each player has a reserve pool; reserve rolls at the start of each scenario govern access to your reserve units.
- Objective VP: many scenarios contain various objectives other than just destruction of the enemy; these provide bonus Campaign VP as well as victory medals in the given scenarios.
- Victory events: dice rolls made before each new scenario begins, these provide another layer of variation by enforcing small changes to each side's deployments.
Unternehmen Fall Gelb: Airborne Operation
#16. Fort Eben Amaël

Historical revisionism took root right at the start of our new campaign: the Belgians held the fort against the German attack so that the panzers were unable to cross the Meuse as quickly as had been planned. There was a minor rules hitch which might've contributed to my 5-4 victory, but I reckon more significant was the excellent shooting of my units, which was some 1 pip above the mean on the day as a whole.
#17. Unternehmen Niwi

- Depleted units: units starting at less than full strength.
- Armour Breakthrough: armour reinforcements which can enter on your opponent's side of the map.
So, with 2 scenarios to go, the Unternehmen Fall Gelb: Airborne Operation minicampaign stands at 10-7 to the Allies. All to play for then!
Grizzled veteran 0
Stubborn defenders 2
Attack Sub

I drew the Russians. The game started well for me, as I was able to build up contact sufficient to take the first shot (IIRC), which missed. All told I think Donald and I each fired 3 times; mine all missed; 2 of Donald's were the 1-shot kills that won him the game. I will have my revenge.
Old seadog 1
Not quite got his sealegs 0
PS. I don't know why the scans for the M44 maps turned out so scabby. I'll look into it. ;)
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