In brighter news I returned last night from UK Games Expo 2010. I had a great time and will be getting to work soon on my report. Meanwhile here are some bits and pieces.
Prizes! Prizes!

- Grand prize: the Waste World rules and the Hydra sourcebook go to Josef.
- Consolation prize: the A Fistful of Credits starter set goes to the Gnome.
Sioux goes global

Conflict of Heroes on tour

I am pleased now to be able to confirm that I will be running 2 Conflict of Heroes demos later this month:
Kingdom of Adventure, 21-23 Whytescauseway, Kirkcaldy: Friday 25th June, 6-10pm.
Black Lion Games, 90 Buccleuch Street, Newington, Edinburgh: Saturday 26th June, 12- 4pm.
I hooked up with KoA via fB last year because the store was Keith Baker's next port of call on his Have Dice Will Travel world tour after his visit to Glasgow. David of KoA has been pestering me to visit ever since. So it's great finally to get a chance to make the trip over to Kirkcaldy to visit this store soon to be celebrating its first birthday, and about which I've heard good reports from reliable sources.
So please do come along on one of those days if you can make it. Conflict of Heroes is a great game and a worthy addition to the ever-expanding stable of WW2 tacsims on the market. You'll get to roll some dice and you might even, y'know...?
DiceCon West 2010: an old favourite returns!

DiceCon West 2010.The Saltire Centre is modern and looks spacious, bright and airy. I'm sure it'll make a lovely venue for a boardgames convention. Unfortunately the date clashes with my CoH demo tour so I'm unlikely to be able to make an appearance and will have to wait until next year to savour the new environment. Don't let that put you off though: get out there and get gaming!
Saturday 26th June.
09.00 till late.
Saltire Centre.
Glasgow Caledonian University Campus.
Tickets £7.
40K for Glaswegians: the inaugural Partick Crucible

I signed up promptly, naturally enough. There will be 12 of us participating, with 1000pt armies. I found this points limit a serious constraint when it came to putting together my army, what with my penchant for always spending 210pts on my 10-man jump pack assault squad. Still, I managed to put together a list which should be fun to play with, if nothing else. I'm looking forward to the big day.
Tournament army building is inevitably accompanied by modelling and painting. I've still not picked up a paint brush so I've long since started counting down towards the day when I hit that, "Oh no, how long's left?" panic button. How will I fare? Only time will tell. Fingers crossed, as ever. ;)
Thanks again and I really and wholeheartedly hope all goes well dear John.
You're welcome gnome. The prize couldn't really have gone to a more deserving small bearded creature of myth and legend. Actually it couldn't really've gone to any other small bearded creature of myth and legend, but there you go.
And thanks yourself, for your kind words and for all your support down the years. You are one of the stalwarts who made me keep faith with RD/KA! when I really just wanted to give it up. :-)
Great blog I enjoyed reaading
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